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Phoenix Moss - Fissidens fontanus
US Fissidens)


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Aquamoss -> List of Aquatic Moss -> Phoenix Moss - Fissidens fontanus
Fissidens fontanus

A newly 'discovered' aquatic moss, Fissidens fontanus which originates from USA, is now available in Singapore. It is a very nice fissidens species and it is truely aquatic. The best part is that the rhizoids of Fissidens fontanus would cling on readily to the woods or stones after a while, and so doesn't require frequent re-tying of the moss. Coupled with the fact that this fissidens is small in size and not very fast growing, one can see the potential of using Fissidens fontanus to cover the driftwood and bogwood and create a natural aquarium landacape. Once the fissidens settled in and take 'root', it would virtually be maintenance free.

Phoenix Moss - Fissidens fontanus Fissidens fontanus
Fissidens fontanus growing on wire mesh.


Fissidens fontanus Fissidens fontanus
Fissidens fontanus growing on wire mesh that has been laid over clay gravel.
Rhizoids of Fissidens fontanus have grown down and 'rooted' to the gravel.
Fissidens fontanus  
Closed-up view showing the rhizoids of Fissidens fontanus attaching to the gravel.

Phoenix Moss - Fissidens fontanusFissidens fontanus

Phoenix Moss, or Phoenix Tail Moss, is a general term use in Taiwan aquatic litreature to represent all the Fissidens species, apparently due to the similarity of the 'fronds' of the Fissidens to the tail feathers of the Phoenix. This moss is also currently known as US Fissidens, since it originates from USA.


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Last update: Jun 2013

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